Newsletter April 2016
Inside April 2016 Edition
Parents Association Meeting 4/16
LiveSafe App
Campus Living News
Summer School Information
Spring Parents Weekend
Murder Mystery Dinner
The Importance of the First Year
Sophomore Soundings
Campus Recreation and Wellness News
Speech Communication Center
New Student Centers Updates
Career Center News
Dowdy Student Stores
College of Education News
Honors College News
Joyner Library Extended Hours
Alumni Association Senior Celebration
The Woman’s Round Table
Pirate Academic Success Center
Study Abroad with ECU
ITCS Info for Graduates
Country Doctor Museum Springfest
Buccaneer Yearbook Tributes Available
Save the Date for Family Weekend
Exam Care Packages Available
Upcoming Events
April 15-17
Spring Parents Weekend
April 26
Last Day of Classes
April 27
Reading Day
April 28- May 5
May 6
2016 & Spring 2017 Academic Dates may be found online here.
Save the Dates!
Family Weekend Sept 30-Oct 2
Homecoming October 29
Join the Parents Association Today!
Your annual membership pledge of $35 or four year pledge of $100 supports Parent and Family Programming, Student Scholarships and campus improvements to increase student success. Be sure to designate your gift for the ‘Parents Fund’ when submitting your form.
Read more about the benefits of being a Pirate Member at the $35 or $100 level HERE.
Spring Parents Association Meeting 4/16
Greetings Fellow Pirate Parents-
ECU Parents Council President
ECU Launches Campus Safety App
LiveSafe at ECU
East Carolina University is taking safety to the next level by placing a virtual blue light in the pocket of students, faculty and staff through LiveSafe, a safety smartphone application.
LiveSafe provides seamless two-way communication between users and campus safety to directly and anonymously report concerns using text messaging, audio, video and photos. The free app is available through Google Play and iTunes and is intended to make reporting safety concerns easier and less intimidating.
When a student messages police in an emergency situation, dispatchers can live chat with them to provide instructions while police are in route if talking or calling attention to the student is not wanted.
In addition to reporting safety concerns, LiveSafe provides another popular feature, SafeWalk. Students can invite a friend (or family member) to virtually walk with them by monitoring their location through a GPS-enabled map. During the walk, friends can live chat to remain in constant contact and a 911 button is available for both users if they feel help is needed immediately. ECU’s SafeRide program can be contacted through LiveSafe as well.
The also includes information about mental health and victim services on campus and a safety map to help students and guests get around ECU quickly.
The search for a mobile safety application on ECU’s campus began after a recommendation was included in the 2013-2014 Campus Security Initiatives Report. Campus Safety and the Student Government Association selected LiveSafe as the vendor and began working with them in the fall of 2015 to personalize the app for ECU. A group of students, faculty and staff tested the app’s functions around campus earlier this semester and had positive reactions about the experience.
The app will supplement many safety initiatives already on campus such as blue lights, security cameras, exterior lighting, and safety patrol.
Several other colleges and universities in the state, including UNC-Greensboro and UNC-Charlotte, use LiveSafe on their campuses. The app was co-founded by Kristina Anderson, a survivor of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, as a way to use technology as a tool to prevent further campus tragedies.
To download LiveSafe or to find more information, visit
Important Reminders from Campus Living
Two Reminders from Campus Living:
If your student is attending summer school- they can live and eat on campus!
Tyler Residence Hall will be the main hall for Summer 2016 – Tyler Residence Hall is a great location to spend the summer-newer bathrooms, individual AC units, and nearby to the new Campus Living Sports Court. The new Campus Living Sports Court has outdoor basketball and sand volleyball in a park like setting for residence hall student use. Both double and single occupancy options are available. For more information visit:
As we ready to close- know a few things that your student will be responsible for in preparing their room for their departure:
Students must vacate the residence halls within twenty-four hours of the completion of their last scheduled exam or by 10:00 a.m., Friday, May 6th, 2016, whichever is earliest. If they are involved in commencement, they may stay until 5:00 p.m., Saturday, May 7th ; however, THEY MUST contact their Neighborhood Service Office to be added to the Late Departures List- 252-328-4022 if they live on Central or West; 252-328-4044 if they live on College Hill.
If your student is leaving before their suitemates/roommates, they should coordinate the cleaning efforts before you go. Cleaning/damage charges will be split between suitemates/roommates- even if the room is inspected before all student leave- final inspections after students leave generate damage and cleaning charges. They will relieve emailed instructions about how to prepare their room for check-out.
Students MUST return their keys to the Neighborhood Service Office for their area of campus or pay $120 for a room/suite lock change, and $30 for key fobs. The College Hill Neighborhood Service Office is located in Todd Dining Hall, the Central/West Neighborhood Service Office is located in West End Dining. DO NOT LEAVE KEYS WITH ROOMMATES OR HALL STAFF.
Just a reminder that bicycles should be taken home for summer. If you plan to keep you bike on campus for summer school or forgot your bike and plan to pick it up – email to prevent it from being removed from the bike rack. Just a reminder all bicycles should be registered.
As always, please call us 252-328-4663 or visit us online / if you have any questions.
Important Summer School Registration Information
- Discuss their plans with their assigned academic advisor to determine appropriate summer coursework.
- Use ECU’s Course Equivalencies list to determine transferrable courses via
- Apply, be admitted, and register for courses at the other institution. Transcripts can be sent via
- Download and complete the Permission to Take Courses at Other U.S. Institutions Form available at and submit electronically to the Registrar’s Office at
- Complete the summer course(s) and request the school send an official transcript to ECU. Credit cannot be added without an official transcript received in the Registrar’s Office.
As a reminder, students must earn a minimum grade of “C” to be awarded transfer credit for their summer courses taken at other institutions. If your student has questions or needs assistance relating to summer courses away from ECU, please have him/her contact their assigned academic advisor!
The ECU Academic Advising Collaborative
Spring Parents Weekend will be held April 15th- 16th, 2016. In conjunction with the Purple/Gold spring football game weekend.
Events will include the Spring Parents Association Meeting, Movies, Pirate Equipment Sale, Alumni Road Race, Pigskin Pigout BBQ and the Purple and Gold spring football game.
Details available online HERE. Please note tickets are NOT required for the Purple/Gold football game.
Murder Mystery Dinner for Students and Families
ECU’s Students Treasure Chest Organization, in conjunction with It’s a Mystery acting troupe will present Rip Roaring Revenge, an interactive Murder Mystery Dinner on Friday, April 15th, 2016.
Are you looking to attend a “killer” of an event this Spring Parents Weekend? If so, then you need to join us on Friday, April 15th as the Student’s Treasure Chest at East Carolina University hosts a Murder Mystery Dinner with entertainment provided by It’s A Mystery.
The Students’ Treasure Chest is a student-led, philanthropic, fundraising organization that supports students at East Carolina University. It is the student affiliate of the East Carolina University Foundation and the mission is to foster a spirit of service and philanthropy within the student body, to address the emergent financial needs of students, and to encourage students to become life-long donors to East Carolina University.
It’s A Mystery, as featured in Southern Living Magazine, will be performing an original murder mystery entitled “Rip Roaring Revenge.” You’ll be transported back to 1927 and spending the evening with an eclectic group of guests in the Magnolia Club, the best speakeasy around. The show will be performed, as you dine, by a professional troupe of seven accomplished actors. They will bring to life exciting characters with colorful backgrounds and questionable motives. The sophisticated plot that ensues will provide you with clues to help you pin down the perpetrator…or perpetrators of a dastardly deed. It would be a crime to miss this event!
The event will begin at 7 PM in the Great Rooms of Mendenhall Student Center. Tickets are available at, $15 for ECU students, and $25 for family and community members. Tickets may also be purchased by phone at 252-328-4788.
The Importance of the First Year
From the Office of Student Transitions
Preparing for the Second Year
Can you believe that last year this time you were worrying about reserving an orientation date, where your student would live at ECU, and high school graduation? Does it seem like a year ago that you made the trek to Greenville and survived the hot, humid weather during orientation? Your student has almost completed his or her freshman year at ECU, and we hope he or she has had a successful transition.
But, the work is not done! There are several steps your student can take to begin preparing for the second year at ECU, so view the checklist (Things To Do) below for these steps.
You may have heard of the “Sophomore Slump”—a “period of developmental confusion” that usually results from a student’s struggle with becoming a competent college student, gaining the autonomy and independence he or she seeks, developing his or her new identities as an adult and college student, and finding his or her purpose in life. Therefore, some sophomores may face a difficult period in their academic, social, and personal development. Read below for more information.
Avoid the Sophomore Slump
As your student begins his or her second year, you may think that the roughest part of the college experience is over. However, some students experience a “Sophomore Slump”. Second-year students return to school without the newness and excitement they experienced as freshmen. They also may feel a lack of support since many programs and services that are offered to freshmen are no longer aimed towards them. If they are living off campus, they no longer have the built-in friendships of those living in their hall or a Resident Advisor or Coordinator to turn to for advice. Students are also realizing there are three more years of hard work, papers, courses, and a huge financial investment.
Additionally, sophomores may feel pushed to declare a major if they haven’t already. Often, they doubt their choice in major but feel pressure to declare. The decision about a major leads to an uncertainty about the direction of their lives. Students taking upper level courses that are more difficult can have a dip in confidence in their ability to be successful in college. These uncertainties can lead to low levels of engagement in the classroom and of commitment to their education.
On a social side, sophomore students are slowly drifting away from their high school friends and friends at home. They also do not go home as often during breaks. Their values are being challenged and are changing.
As you can imagine, students that are experiencing all of these issues are subject to depression and stress. Here are some tips to help your student cope. Students should continue to eat right, get enough sleep, and exercise. Encourage them to take courses that look interesting and fun. Academic and student resources are still available to your student on campus. They should take advantage of the Pirate Tutoring Center, Career Services, the Counseling Center, and other resources that can help students clarify their direction.
Students can establish new friendships by joining new groups or volunteering. Some students renew a high school activity in college, like band or an intramural sports team. Visit for information on student organizations available at ECU. Our office also has a website just for sophomore students at
Be on the lookout for signs of the Sophomore Slump. If your student is having a rough time, encourage him or her to take advantage of the resources listed above. Next year, check out the Sophomore Soundings section of this newsletter for information from our office about working with your sophomore student. Hopefully, you will find that it is helpful as you assist your student through this transition.
Things to Do: Sophomore Year Checklist
Students may be busy with final papers and exams, but there are several things they should take care of now to ensure a smooth start to their second year at ECU.
- Have they found a summer job? Summer jobs are great ways to add substance to a student’s resume and/or explore career choices.
- Have they registered for fall 2016 courses? It is good for your student to do this now before new students register during the summer orientation programs. (Tuition e-bills will be available online during July and will be due in August. Don’t let money be the reason your student doesn’t register now!)
- If taking summer classes at another school other than ECU, have they filled out the appropriate form? Students should meet with their advisor and obtain permission to take a course at another institution to guarantee the course is transferable back to ECU.
- Has the FAFSA been completed and submitted? The FAFSA must be completed each school year in order to be awarded federal aid and/or grants.
- Has your student arranged for a place to live next fall? A Campus Living contract can be completed for on-campus housing. Most apartment complexes will accept leases for the fall.
Make sure your student is on track!
Transitions: Surviving the Spring Semester
The end of the spring semester is quickly approaching. Students are busy with all the events and projects that the end of the year brings and are preparing for next year as well. It can be a very stressful time for students as they make important decisions and wrap up the year. This month we continue our focus on adjustment issues for first-year students.
April Adjustments
Academic Pressure – Final exams are approaching and papers and projects are due. Students may be nervous about their academic performance and may be struggling to get all their work done if they haven’t developed strong time management skills.
Social events – If your students has gotten involved in student organizations, he or she may find that this time of year is busy with year-end social events. This can bring stress because of a lack of time as well as anxiety over cost.
Organization leadership – Many student organizations are in the process of choosing leaders for next year. Applying, running, and being selected for a leadership position is a lot of responsibility, as is the training that will follow. For students that are not selected, self-esteem may be an issue.
Spring fever – Warmer weather, combined with the burn-out that comes after so much focus on academics, makes it hard to focus on class and assignments. Campus is filled with students enjoying outdoor activities during their free time, and it’s tempting to join in instead of attending class.
Money – Students may be facing a lack of money after spring break. They may also be concerned about money for the summer and whether or not they will be able to find a summer job.
Sophomore Soundings
From the Office of Student Transitions
Student Issues in the Sophomore Year
The end of another year is quickly approaching. Your student is likely starting to take more and more classes in his or her major and may be looking at internships and other career experiences. Hopefully, the transition has been smooth so far. There are several things your student still needs to do to be successful in the years to come.
Things to Do: Junior Year Checklist
While it’s a busy time of year, there are several things your student should take care of now to ensure a smooth transition to the third year.
- Has the student found a summer job or internship? Hopefully he or she has narrowed the career choices down some and can begin exploring them more.
- Registration for summer and fall 2016 is now open for all students. Does your student have a schedule already? If they wait too long, they may miss out on courses they really want to take.
- If taking summer classes at a school other than ECU, have they filled out the appropriate form? Students should meet with their advisor and obtain permission to take a course at another institution to guarantee the course is transferable back to ECU.
- Another good option at this time is study abroad. Sessions are available during the summer as well as the fall and spring semesters. Visit the Study Abroad website at for more information.
- Has the FAFSA been completed and submitted? The FAFSA must be completed each school year in order to be awarded federal aid and/or grants.
- Has your student arranged for a place to live next fall? A Campus Living contract can be completed for on-campus housing. Most apartment complexes will accept leases for the fall.
Campus Recreation and Wellness News
Adventure Leadership Friday Floats
April 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd at 2pm, Student Recreation Center, Adventure Program Center. Paddle the shorter water trails around the Greenville/Little Washington/Pitt County, NC area. Sea kayak the historic waterfront of Little Washington, paddle up the shady Cherry Run or ramble down the remarkably beautiful Tar. Each Friday Float showcases a different paddling option for 2-3 hours of on water paddling. Cost: $10 for students/members: $20 for non-members. Trip includes equipment, transportation, and instruction. No experience needed. Meet at 2pm in the Adventure Center, back around 6/6:30pm
Climb Pilot Mountain
Saturday, April 9, Pilot Mountain, NC. College can be Stressful! Let your student escape the stresses of school as the semester is nearing its end with other fellow students and staff. Come scale the rock faces of Pilot Mountain instead and feel cool wind blow against the trees and rock. We’ll teach everything you want to know, from the basics to more intermediate technique.
Paddle & Yoga at Bear Island
Saturday, April 23,Bear Island, NC. Settle into pigeon pose as a salty breeze brushes your skin. Go through sun salutations as the Bear Island sun warms you up after playing in the Atlantic Ocean. We’ll paddle from the mainland to this secluded island to put our beach towels down to bring in the end of our semester. We’ll keep an eye out for Bottlenose Dolphin while we’re there, along with other wildlife that is starting to appear before we approach the summer season. Enjoy a fun paddle and some relaxing yoga before your exams start. The cost of the trip is $35. The price includes transportation, equipment, and instruction. Must attend a pool session before trip date.
CRW Zip Thursdays
Looking for a thrill this spring? Come soar down our 300ft long zip line every Thursday in April at the North Recreational Complex, Odyssey Course. Zip Thursday’s are free for ECU students and $8 for guests. To receive more information, contact Chad Baker at or call 252-328-6387.
Earth Day
This year, Campus Recreation & Wellness is planning a week full of entertaining activities to celebrate Earth Day. This annual event is celebrated worldwide in more than 192 countries each year. On ECU’s Campus, 4/19 | The CRW is partnering with SAB to host Hammock Movie Hangout featuring Love By Nature. 4/21 | Students can stop by the Adventure table at Barefoot on the Mall to learn about more exciting trips, like Paddle & Yoga at Bear Island! (trip is on 4/23) 4/22 | Earth Day | Students can bring Paper and Electronic Recycling from 10-3pm outside of SRC, ECU Tree Planting (TBA and location)-come by and spread some dirt! Tree donated by ECU Facilities Ground Services; Make a Plant for your Home with the Pitt County Master Gardeners. Join us for the Bike Repair Clinic from 10-12pm at MSC Brickyard. 4/24 | Relax before drifting into exams by hitching a Raft Ride down the Tar River!
Sharpen Your Communication Skills
The Speech Communication Center at ECU helps students from all majors across campus with any aspect of verbal communication skills. If your student struggles with speaking anxiety, not knowing how to effectively organize and deliver presentations, or a lack of professional verbal communication skills (too much texting, tweeting, and time on Face Book), we can help!
The Speech Communication Center is open Monday through Friday, and our services are FREE!
Appointments can be made by calling 252-328-2790 or by going to We can help your student become a more confident communicator!
New Student Centers Website and Parking Information Available
We encourage our students and campus visitors to pay close attention to the parking changes on main campus that will begin in Spring 2016, as well as the additional ECU Transit routes that will be in service during the construction process.
Career Center News
Career Contests – Students Compete to Win Prizes and Recognition
As students prepare for final exams and summer or graduation, ECU Career Services is offering several contests to help students get ready for the competitive workforce they will be entering while also helping them practice their communication skills.
First, starting on March 28, the So You Think You Can Interview contest begins. During this 3 week open competition, students will be able to login to our practice interview software called Interview Stream at anytime from their home computer or tablet and submit their responses to a three question interview. Our judges will then score the responses and select a winner who will receive a $100 amazon gift card. We look for professional dress, prepared responses and overall strong communication of relevant skills. The competition closes on April 28, 2016 and we hope you encourage your students to participate.
Another competition ECU Career Services hosts every summer is the Internship Photo Contest. This competition is held throughout the duration of the summer and simply challenges students to do what they do best, take selfies! We want to see all of the great internships and experiences students gain over the summer months and also provide their peers with examples of successful ECU Pirates gaining valuable skills. To win, students must submit a picture of themselves at their internship site along with a description of their internship experience to our e-mail: Again, we look for professional dress, a strong description, and ECU symbols (pirate hook) help too. The top three submissions will also win gift card prizes.
For more information on these competitions see below.
So You Think You Can Interview
April Events at Dowdy Student Stores!
Book Buyback begins week of April 25th.
Recycle those books for CASH. Remind your student to bring their unwanted textbooks to one of Dowdy’s buyback locations. There’s a good chance those books will put some CASH back in your student’s pocket for summer!
Please remind them to RETURN their RENTAL books to the store and not sell them back!!
Buyback locations: Wright Building Store and trailers on College Hill Dr. and West End
Dowdy Student Stores, Wright Building, Brody Building, Athletic Venues,, 252-328-6731, 1-877-499-TEXT
College of Education News
ECU’s College of Education, the Panasonic Foundation and four rural school districts in eastern North Carolina are launching a partnership to break the links between race, poverty and educational outcomes by improving the academic and social success of all students. Panasonic is engaged in similar partnerships with communities across the country but this is the foundation’s first effort to work in a rural setting with a university.
Through the Panasonic Foundation’s Partnership Program, the COE will work on educational improvement with Duplin, Jones, Pender and Sampson county schools. The foundation will provide coaching support as well as funds to travel to national partnership conferences. ECU will provide local coaching and professional development opportunities.
ECU honors student receives Fulbright Award
Honors College student Daniel Franch, who is triple majoring in history, history education and German, received a 2016 Fulbright award from the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Franch plans to spend next year in Germany completing an English teaching assistantship.
“It seemed like an excellent opportunity to spend a year in Germany spreading goodwill between the United States and Germany,” said Franch, who is the ninth student from ECU to be award a Fulbright.
Franch will be assigned to a German K–12 English classroom to assist with teaching English. In addition to teaching, he will also engage the local community. He has proposed to join the local environmental organization and learn ways to increase sustainability practices.
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for individually designed study and research projects or for English teaching assistant programs. A candidate will submit a Statement of Grant Purpose defining activities to take place during one academic year in a participating country outside the U.S., according to the program’s website.
Honors College Students Selected for Campus Recognitions
Four Honors College students are recipients of ECU’s most prestigious award for undergraduates, the Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award. Recognized as those who will make a positive impact on their respective professions and communities, the following students will be acknowledged during commencement ceremonies on May 6.
- Ryan Clancy of Leesburg, VA, communication
- Erika Dietrick of Greenville, NC, biology
- Sarah Lisson of Raleigh, NC, nutrition science (EC Scholar)
- Kate McPherson of Raleigh, NC, chemistry
Additionally, the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi has selected the following Honors College students as recipients of 2015-2016 awards:
- Glenesha Berryman (EC Scholar): Outstanding First-Year Student Award
- Leela Goel (EC Scholar): Outstanding Senior
- Anna Lawrence: Eldean Pearce Graduate Fellowship
Joyner Library: Extended Hours

Joyner Library Extended Hours
Joyner Library Announces: Extended Hours During exam weekends, Joyner Library is opening early and closing late!
April 22- May 1:
Friday and Saturday- closing at Midnight
Saturday and Sunday- opening at 8:00 AM
Alumni Association News
Senior Celebration will be May 5
Graduating seniors and guests are invited to join the East Carolina Alumni Association on Thursday, May 5 in the Club Level of Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium for an afternoon of decadent desserts and a toast to the class of 2016. Special guests from the 50th reunion class of 1966 will be in attendance. Class members of 2016 and 1966 will receive a keepsake champagne flute. Contact Megan Howard ’07 at or 252-328-5557. More info may be found online here.
Save the date!
ECU Alumni Scholarship Classic golf tournament will be September 9 Join us to raise money for the Alumni Scholarship program!
Save the date!
The Women’s Roundtable at East Carolina University presents The 2016 Incredible ECU Women Series event
A celebration of women’s leadership, service, and philanthropy Thursday, October 13, 2016 Greenville Convention Center Greenville, North Carolina Presenting Sponsor First Citizens Bank
Join East Carolina University alumni and friends to celebrate ECU’s legacy of women leaders while making a difference for deserving ECU students. This engaging luncheon will feature the 2016 Incredible ECU Women Awards presentation, inspirational messages delivered by impressive student scholars, updates on major university initiatives, and an opportunity to connect with dynamic leaders and engaged university volunteers. Net proceeds from the event will benefit The Women’s Roundtable Access Scholarship Endowment, which provides need-based undergraduate student scholarships, and The Women’s Roundtable Honors College Scholarship Endowed Fund, which provides merit-based scholarships. Eleven women will be honored as Incredible ECU Women, highlighting the important role women play in the history and future of our university.
Tables and event sponsorships are now available. Individual Tickets available June 1st. For more information, contact Stephanie Bunn, Director of Women’s Philanthropy at or 252-328-9597. Visit The Women’s Roundtable online at
ECU Psychological Assessment and Specialty Services Clinic (ECU PASS) Provides LD/ADHD Evaluations
The PASS Clinic is associated with the ECU Doctoral Health Psychology Program ( ) and provides low cost behavioral health care services to ECU faculty and staff as well as citizens in the broader Greenville community. A particular service important to the university’s mission of maximizing student success is the Psycho-Educational Evaluation Service. We provide comprehensive LD/ADHD assessments for ECU students who may have challenges to learning, working closely with ECU Disabilities Support and other University Student Services. The evaluation involves completing 3-4 testing sessions after an extensive interview. Cost of the evaluation for ECU students is greatly reduced from community rates. There are openings this summer starting in May. For more information, have your student contact ECU PASS clinic at 737-4180 or email
ECU Hosts Statewide Conference for Supplemental Instruction Leaders, Tutors and Mentors
The Pirate Academic Success Center hosted the 2016 NC Statewide Conference for SI Leaders, Tutor and Mentors on Saturday, March 19, 2016. Nine campuses attended bringing over 200 students and professionals from across the state to East Carolina. Welcomed by ECU Provost Dr. Ron Mitchelson and former tutor and Brody School of Medicine student Julianna Womble, the students spent the day facilitating and attending conference sessions focused on best practices in student academic support. Visiting professional staff members toured ECU’s state of the art tutoring and mentoring center and attended sessions facilitated by PASC staff members.
PASC Services Update
Pirate Academic Support Center is experiencing a 21% growth in the number of students served in Spring 2016. As of March 24th, the center has seen 4,635 students with 25,571 center visits in 2015-16. Students needing study skills coaching and tutoring are encouraged to call 737-3009 to make an appointment.
Tutor and Mentor Recruitment
The PASC is recruiting students to serve as mentors and tutors for the 2016-17 academic year. Interested students should complete an application and attend the Informational Session on Thursday, April 14 from 5pm to 6pm at the PASC, 2300 Old Cafeteria Complex.
- Tutor Application:
- Mentor Application:
Summer Services: Summer tutoring and study skills assistance services will be offered in both face to face and online sessions during both Summer 1 and Summer 2 sessions for ECU enrolled students. Tutoring begins for Summer 1 on Tuesday, May 17, 2016.
Study Abroad with ECU
Important Information for Graduating Students
Congratulations Graduating Students! Before you leave ECU, DON’T FORGET to save any files you have stored on ECU systems:
- Files from your Piratedrive
- Your iWebfolio portfolio
- Web pages from MyWeb and ECU Blogs/WordPress
- Research survey data from Qualtrics
Be sure to remove all university-licensed software you installed while enrolled at ECU. Thank you for helping us comply with software licensing agreements!
Country Doctor Museum Springfest and Plant Sale
Saturday, April 30th, 2016, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Events will include a plant sale, garden tours, herbal tea tasting, ‘A Blank Canvas” painting classes (call for times and registrations), free museum tours., 6642 Peele Road, Bailey, NC 27807, 252-235-4165
Buccaneer Yearbook Senior Tributes Available
Show your Pirate Pride by purchasing a tribute to your Senior in The Buccaneer Yearbook!
Soon, your son or daughter will graduate as a member of the Class of 2016! You can show him or her how proud you are of their accomplishments by placing a Senior Tribute in the 2016 Buccaneer Yearbook. Whether you embarrass them with baby pictures, showcase their talents or write them a special message, their Senior Tribute will be a lasting reminder of their time at East Carolina University. Full-1/8th page tributes available for purchase.
Finals Care Packages
Dear Parent or Guardian,
East Carolina University ECU Ambassadors is sponsoring and distributing Spring Finals Care Packages for our students on a limited availability basis. These packages come filled to the brim with goodies and will serve as a welcome check-in from home as they are gearing up for finals. The deadline to order is April 15th, but ordering early is highly encouraged as quantities are limited*. Orders can be placed at:
This is a fundraiser for the ECU Ambassadors. We thank you for your support.
*If a package is visible on the website at the time of ordering, the package is still available to be ordered